Conformity assessment for eIDAS | Bank-Verlag GmbH | BVseal
Type of certification | Conformity Assessment (eIDAS) |
SRC certificate registration number | SRC.00030.TSP.03.2019 |
Valid from | March 20, 2019 |
Valid until | March 20, 2021 |
Certificate holder | Bank-Verlag GmbH |
Certified product | BVseal |
The audit includes | The conformity assessment of the trust service BVseal for the issuance of qualified certificates for qualified electronic remote seals according to Regulation (EU) No. 910 / 2014 by the ISO 17065 accredited conformity assessment body of SRC and an amendment for the conformity assessment. |
Description | The Bank-Verlag GmbH offers the trust service BVseal for the issuance of qualified certificates for qualified electronic remote seals according to Regulation (EU) No. 910 / 2014. The private key, which is used for the seal, is generated and hold within a qualified electronic signature creation device (QSCD). For sealing a document, the signer has to activate this key.
The corresponding public keys, which can be used to verifiy the validity of a given seal, are certified by a Certification Authority (CA) operated by the Bank-Verlag GmbH. The Bank-Verlag GmbH operates two CAs for issuance and administration of qualified certificates for qualified electronic remote seals: One CA for RSA keys with a length of 4096 bits and one CA for ECDSA keys with a length of 384 bits. Status and revocation information for the qualified certificates can be retreived from the OCSP responder of Bank-Verlag GmbH. SRC confirms that the “BVseal” trust service for issuing qualified certificates for qualified electronic remote seals is operated in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) No. 910 / 2014 by Bank-Verlag GmbH. |